Monday, March 30, 2020

Prānāyāma- Breath Control. Lesson 1 - Suryabheda Kumbhaka

Haṭhayogapradīpikā,    हठयोगप्रदीपिका 
or Light on Hatha Yoga

is a 15th-century yoga manual and a very good way to be introduced to prānāyāma - breath control. 
Below are a few verses on prānāyāma from the text of Haṭhayogapradīpikā, and below the verses a few simple breath techniques that use kumbhaka (breath retention):


2:40   As long as the breath is restrained in the body, the mind is devoid of thought and the gaze is centered between the eyebrows, why should there be fear of death?

2:41  By systematically restraining the prāna, the nadis and chakras are purified. Thus the prāna bursts open the doorway to sushumna and easily enters it.

2:43  By practicing the various kumbhakas (breath retention), wondrous perfections are obtained. Those who are the knowers practice the various kumbhakas to accomplish them.

2:44  The eight kumbhakas are suryabheda, ujjayi, seethari, sheetali, bhastrika, bhramari, moorchha and plavini.

Techniquies - kumbhakas

Suryabheda Kumbhaka  - right nostril breathing. 
Inhalation is done only through the right nostril, activating pingala nadi, and exhalation is always only through the left nostril.  
Suryabheda eliminates imbalance in the vata (wind) dosha and also balances the pitta and kapha doshas. Stimulation of the pingala nadi removes dullness from the body and mind, and the heat produced through the practice burns up impurities in the body. 

1. Sit in a comfortable meditative pose, relaxing the body. 
2. Close the left nostril and inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril.
3. Hold both nostrils closed and lower your chin to chest to activate the throat lock (jalandhara bandha) and then the root lock (mula bandha) as you continue to hold your breath as long as you can.
4. Release mula bandha first, then jalandhara bandha and raise your chin to neutral.
5. Keeping the right nostril closed, open the left nostril and slowly exhale.

If necessary, take a few normal breaths between rounds, hands on the knees, eyes closed, concentrating on your third eye (sixth chakra).

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