About Yoga by Mira

The idea of Yoga by Mira has sprung up from my various classes - teaching yoga to both young and older students, teaching Multiple Sclerosis patients, Parkinson's patients, PTSD- afflicted veterans, opioid-addicted people -  all of my students have come together in my mind and imbued me with the desire to help people live a healthy, happy life, no matter what destiny serves up to them.

I have a strong interest in combining traditional Western medicinal knowledge with the traditional Eastern Ayurveda medicinal knowledge, and bringing forth a program that anyone can follow and incorporate into their everyday life.

Thousands of years of vedic writings that translate easily into our modern lives are my inspiration for how I conduct my life and the advice I give to my students. 
There is nothing new under the sun - become aware of  what both your body and your mind innately know already and connect with your True Self Within.

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