Ujjayi Kumbhaka
Verse 2.53 - Haṭhayogapradīpikā
This prānāyāma, called ujjayi, can be done while moving, standing, sitting or walking. It removes disorders of the nadis (channels) and dhatu (bodily fluids).
This prānāyāma, called ujjayi, can be done while moving, standing, sitting or walking. It removes disorders of the nadis (channels) and dhatu (bodily fluids).
Ujjayi Kumbhaka - Technique
You will inhale through both nostrils but exhale through the left nostril alone.
Ujjayi is known as the "psychic breath" because of its effect on the mind and it can occur spontaneously when concentration becomes deep and intense. It helps relax the physical body and the mind, leading to a deeper awareness of the subtle body and psychic sensitivity. (The subtle body refers to energy in our bodies, such as chakras, that yogis believe to be part of our physical existence, even though it cannot be seen.) If ujjayi is used in meditation, kumbhaka (breath retention) is omitted and ujjayi is performed through both nostrils with natural inhales and exhales.
1. Sit in a comfortable meditative pose or lie in savasana. Become aware of your natural breath and feel the air passing through the windpipe.
2. Slightly contract the region at the back of the throat as you do when you swallow.
3. Inhales and exhales are through the nose but there is a partial contraction of the glottis which produces a light snoring sound. The sound is coming from the throat, not the nose. Concentrate on the sound. You can also incorporate khechari mudra by folding the tongue back so that the tip of the tongue presses the back of the soft palate.
4. After you inhale through both nostrils, hold your breath in kumbhaka, then exhale through the LEFT nostril only. Concentrate on the soft "snore" both on the inhale through both nostrils and the exhale through the left nostril.
Ujjayi is known as the "psychic breath" because of its effect on the mind and it can occur spontaneously when concentration becomes deep and intense. It helps relax the physical body and the mind, leading to a deeper awareness of the subtle body and psychic sensitivity. (The subtle body refers to energy in our bodies, such as chakras, that yogis believe to be part of our physical existence, even though it cannot be seen.) If ujjayi is used in meditation, kumbhaka (breath retention) is omitted and ujjayi is performed through both nostrils with natural inhales and exhales.
1. Sit in a comfortable meditative pose or lie in savasana. Become aware of your natural breath and feel the air passing through the windpipe.
2. Slightly contract the region at the back of the throat as you do when you swallow.
3. Inhales and exhales are through the nose but there is a partial contraction of the glottis which produces a light snoring sound. The sound is coming from the throat, not the nose. Concentrate on the sound. You can also incorporate khechari mudra by folding the tongue back so that the tip of the tongue presses the back of the soft palate.
4. After you inhale through both nostrils, hold your breath in kumbhaka, then exhale through the LEFT nostril only. Concentrate on the soft "snore" both on the inhale through both nostrils and the exhale through the left nostril.
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