Sunday, April 26, 2020

Coping with Covid-19 Fears, Practical Advice

How to keep coronavirus fears from affecting your mental health

Pare Down Sources of Information

  • Find a few sources you trust and stick with them. Choose one national or international source like the CDC, and another local nor national source so you can know what's going on in your community.
  • Limit the frequency of your updates. Things may be changing rapidly, but that doesn't mean you need to hang on every update. Think of it this way: If there is a tornado coming your way, you need information as soon as possible. The coronavirus is not a tornado. This may mean disabling constant notifications from news sites or social media.
  • Know when to walk away. Try to get used to not knowing every little thing, and feeling okay with uncertainty. Get your phone off your person so you're not tempted to check it. Leave your phone on a charging station when so it's not constantly with you, beckoning with new information.
  • Practice social media self discipline. No, it's not easy to limit time on social media. But chances are, the churn of information and commentary you get from friends and acquaintances on your Facebook feed is more incessant than actual updates from news or health organizations. Uninstall social media apps so it's harder to get to the content, or using tools to limit your aimless scrolling.
Name Your Fears

A pandemic is a rather abstract villain, so it may help to sit down and really consider what specific threats worry you. Do you think you will catch the coronavirus and die? The fear of death taps into one of our core existential fears. But you have to think about what your fear is, and how realistic it is. Consider your personal risk and how likely it is that you will actually come in contact with the virus.
And, even if your greatest fear is realized and you or someone you love fall ill, you may not have really thought about what comes next. Yes, you may get it. Yes, you may need treatment. But in all likelihood, hope is still not lost. We tend to overestimate the likelihood of something happening, and we tend to underestimate our capacity to deal with it.
Of course, you could have other, more practical fears. Some people may worry about what would happen if they were moved into self quarantine, or if they're not able to work. They're wondering if they would have access to groceries or childcare. Again, people have greater abilities to manage hardships than they think they do. Think about a plan. Consider options if you can't telework. Do you have savings? Do you have support?  Being prepared for your fears will help keep them in scale.

Think Outside Yourself

Since action can allay our anxieties, you may want to also consider what you can do to help others who may be more affected by the outbreak than you. Service workers, medical workers, hourly workers and people in the restaurant or entertainment industries may have their livelihoods paralyzed or have to put themselves in disproportionate danger. "It will be important for us as communities to think about how to support these individuals whose lives are going to be disrupted," Bufka says. "How can we even this burden and support those who have less options?"
After all, most of the precautions put in place to help stall the spread of the virus aren't just for you, as an individual. They're intended to keep entire communities and vulnerable demographics safe. Doing the same with your own time and care can empower you to see the real effects of the situation, rather than your abstract fears.

Seek Support but Do It Wisely

People are going to talk. But if you want to run to a friend to discuss the latest outbreak cluster or your family's contingency plans, try not to create an echo chamber. If you are overwhelmed, don't necessarily go to someone who has a similar level of fear.  Seek out someone who is handling it differently, who can check you on your anxiety and provide some advice."
If you can't seem to get a handle on your thoughts, professional help can be an option. It doesn't need to be a long-term thing. It means you can get some guidance for this specific situation.

Pay Attention to Your Basic Needs

In short, don't get so wrapped up in thinking about the coronavirus that you forget the essential, healthy practices that affect your wellbeing every day. In times of stress, we tend to minimize the importance of our foundation when we really should be paying more attention to it. Make sure you are:
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Keeping up with proper nutrition
  • Getting outside as much a possible
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
Practicing mindfulness, meditation, yoga or other forms of self care can also help center you in routines and awareness, and keep your mind from wandering into the dark and sometimes irrational unknown.

Don’t Chastise Yourself for Worrying

Finally, don't let guilt be your anxiety's unwelcome companion. You are allowed to worry or feel bad. When discussing how to talk to children about the coronavirus, health experts say that people should acknowledge a child's fear and let them know their feelings are valid. Surely, you can afford yourself the same compassion. The key is to work toward understanding and contextualizing your fears so they don't keep you from living your healthiest life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Prānāyāma- Breath Control. Lesson 2 - Ujjayi Kumbhaka

Ujjayi Kumbhaka 

Verse 2.53  - Haṭhayogapradīpikā
This prānāyāma, called ujjayi, can be done while moving, standing, sitting or walking. It removes disorders of the nadis (channels) and dhatu (bodily fluids).

Ujjayi Kumbhaka  -  Technique
You will inhale through both nostrils but exhale through the left nostril alone.
Ujjayi is known as the "psychic breath" because of its effect on the mind and it can occur spontaneously when concentration becomes deep and intense.  It helps relax the physical body and the mind,  leading to a deeper awareness of the subtle body and psychic sensitivity.   (The subtle body refers to energy in our bodies, such as chakras, that yogis believe to be part of our physical existence, even though it cannot be seen.) If ujjayi is used in meditation, kumbhaka (breath retention) is omitted and ujjayi is performed through both nostrils with natural inhales and exhales. 

1. Sit in a comfortable meditative pose or lie in savasana. Become aware of your natural breath and feel the air passing through the windpipe.

2. Slightly contract the region at the back of the throat as you do when you swallow.

3. Inhales and exhales are through the nose but there is a partial contraction of the glottis which produces a light snoring sound. The sound is coming from the throat, not the nose. Concentrate on the sound.  You can also incorporate khechari mudra by folding the tongue back so that the tip of the tongue presses the back of the soft palate.

4. After you inhale through both nostrils, hold your breath in kumbhaka, then exhale through the LEFT nostril only. Concentrate on the soft "snore" both on the inhale through both nostrils and the exhale through the left nostril.