Today I wanted to speak about the benefits of chanting mantras, which are multiple. This claim is supported by scientific studies, the most prominent among them a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry (6/20/2018, “Individual Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using Mantram Repetition: A Randomized Clinical Trial”.) which showed that chanting mantras was effective in treating veterans diagnosed with PTSD.
Other research found that chanting increased cerebral blood flow in areas of the brain known to deteriorate in Alzheimer’s patients. The field of Psychoacoustics is also expanding, with sound therapy utilized especially in mind rejuvenation and meditation.
In Vedic traditions, Bija mantras specifically were used to create balance and harmony in body and mind. The practitioners believed that every single part of our being had a its own vibration and when all these vibration were in a balance and harmony, the person experienced perfect health. Conversely, any imbalances would lead to physical and mental disharmony or disease. Bija mantras are monosyllabic chants that reverberate throughout the body as we chant them.
In modern yoga practice Bija mantras are used to calm and focus our mind, stabilize prana flow, harmonize the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether), and balance our chakras. Chanting Bija mantras connects us to the vibrational energy of our chakras, affecting their functioning.
The most frequently used Bija mantras in modern times are the Shakti Bija mantras that address specific female Hindu deities such as Kali, Durga, Parvati, Lakshmi, and Sarasvati. These mantras activate our kundalini energy and their syllables are Om, Aim, Hrim, Krim, Klim, Shrim, Strim, Hum. I don’t practice these Bija mantras in my classes but I’m listing them here in case you ever come across them. Another practice is Bija mantras for the five elements (earth - Lam, water - Vam, Fire - Ram, air - Yam, ether - Ham).
Among the most popular Bija mantras in Western yoga practice are the chakra Bija antras. Each of our body’s seven energy centers has its own mantra that activates its vitality and power. Chanting the specific chakra mantra unblocks the energy center as well as purifies and strengthens its energy flow. The sounds are Lam (muladhara), Vam (svadhisthana), Ram (manipura), Yum (anahata), Hum (visuddha), Om (ajna) and AUM (sahasrara).
Practice chanting these chakra Bija mantras once in a while as you focus on the appropriate area of the chakra, especially if you feel out of balance, drained, ill, or put upon. If chanting mantras doesn’t feel authentic to you as yet, you can also try singing, but keep in mind that while it’s better than nothing it doesn’t provide the reverberational nature of the “mmmmmm” sound on our lips. You can feel this reverberation when you place your hands on your throat as you chant.