How to Reframe a Negative Situation, According to Psychologists
What is Negative Thinking?
Research shows that humans have anywhere from 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts each day. It also indicates that about 80% of those thoughts are negative. With never-ending sad news, societal pressures, and daily stressors, it’s easy to see why you experience so much negativity.
Negative thinking involves having a pessimistic outlook about yourself, the people in your life, and the world around you. It can happen to anyone, especially if you’re experiencing stress. Even positive people experience this thinking sometimes. You might notice a constant buzz of criticism flowing through your mind. Sometimes it’ll also involve nitpicking and insults.
If you don’t reframe your thoughts, it interferes with your ability to function. Pessimism can become a habit, making it hard to do what’s best for you and your life. When you allow negative thinking to become a habit, it leads to other issues, including depression and anxiety. If you can reframe a negative situation, you’ll notice an improvement in your overall mental health. It also offers other benefits, including: decreased risk of anxiety and depression, improved cardiovascular health, increased life span, improved coping skills
What Causes Negative Thinking?
Sometimes the people yo.u spend your time with can contribute to your mindset. You can give in to the negativity of those around you. Or, you can refocus your thoughts and reframe the negative situation. You might think your environment is to blame, but you can make a change at any time. While genetics contribute to your mindset, it only accounts for around 40%. The other 60% is up to you to decide and control. This statistic indicates that your choices and thought processes are the only reasons for negative thinking.
How to Reframe a Negative Situation
Reframing a negative situation requires identifying your feelings at the moment. It might be hard to shift your thought process, but it’ll get easier the more you do it. You can learn to control the situation rather than letting it control your life. You can make changes in your life to improve your mindset without seeking outside help. It’ll help you reframe negativity, making every situation work for you and your life.
1 – Acknowledge Your Support System
When you express gratitude for your support system, it’ll help you think more positively. You’ll feel grateful for these people and all they bring to your life. It’ll also help you realize what your life would be like if they weren’t there.
2 – Identify Negative Thinking
Reframing negative situations requires identifying the experience. There are a few things to look for, including:
- focusing only on the negative aspects of an experience
- blaming yourself as the reason for the adverse event
- always assuming the worst outcome will occur
- viewing situations as only good or bad, leaving out a middle ground
Make a conscious effort to look for these forms of thinking throughout the day. Anytime it occurs, try to shift your mindset by looking for something positive.
3 - – Determine Which Situations and Thoughts to Reframe
Decide which negative thoughts to reframe first. Think about the area of your life that produce the most negativity. Sometimes it helps if you write in a journal when you feel down about a situation. You can look back to pinpoint the issues in your life. Consider your career, a relationship, or any other part of your life. Once you identify the situations to focus on, you can overcome the toxic thoughts.
4 – Find the Bright Side
Reframing a negative situation requires finding the bright side in every situation. It doesn’t mean that you’re happy about what happened. Instead, it shows acceptance and a willingness to look for the good. When you experience hard times, challenge yourself to find something positive about it. You may have learned a lesson or improved your skills in some way. Thinking this way helps you stay positive and ease negative thoughts. Sometimes the best part of a negative situation is getting an opportunity to talk to someone you likely wouldn’t have otherwise.
5 – Focus on Gratitude
Practicing gratitude can make all the difference in reframing a negative situation. Recalling all the good things in your life can improve your life experiences. Consider writing a weekly list of all the positive parts of your life. It’ll help you refocus at the moment. You’ll also remember all the things you’re grateful for when encountering a negative situation. Rather than focusing on the adverse aspects, you’ll recall good thoughts. You can also include good things that happened to you or the world around you when you write your list. It’ll help solidify the good experiences in your mind, giving you something positive to shift your focus to. You don’t have to write many things on your list but focus on getting at least a few positive aspects written out.
6 – Practice Positivity
Practicing positive thinking is a beneficial way to reframe negative situations. It’ll help you develop new habits, letting go of harmful behaviors that trigger or exacerbate a pessimistic mindset. Force yourself to be positive, and you’ll notice that it feels good and is easier than you thought.
7 – Learn About and Identify Thought Distortions
Sometimes negative situations trigger thought distortions or traps. Distortions occur when you fall into negative thought patterns that distort your mindset. These patterns also influence your emotions and can cause you to spiral into negativity.
Thought distortions include these things:
- Polarized thinking: Also referred to as all-or-nothing thinking, this type occurs when you habitually think in extremes. You believe that it is only good or bad with nothing in between.
- Mind-reading: You assume you know what people think, and your assumptions are often negative.
- Using feelings as facts: If you think your feelings are the truth, it leads to negativity because it’s an unreliable indicator of reality. This distortion is also sometimes called emotional reasoning.
- Overgeneralization: This distortion occurs when you conclude about one event or situation and apply it to all other experiences.
- Assuming the worst: If you believe the worst possible outcome will occur no matter what, you’re guilty of this thought distortion.
- Personalization: This distortion involves inaccurately taking things personally. In these cases, the situation likely wasn’t connected to you.
If you can identify these thought distortions, you can stop them as they threaten to take over. Remind yourself that these thoughts are unhelpful and likely inaccurate. This reminder can make a difference in helping you reframe a negative situation.
8 – Set Goals
Setting goals to reframe your thoughts can help you have a task to focus on. Think about the big picture and consider what you can change to live your dream life. Once you determine what you can change, set goals to make it happen. Having the goals in mind will help you push away negativity and persevere through everything. It’ll also help you forgive yourself for mistakes because you’ll still have your plan to give you hope.
9 – Let Go of the Idea of Perfection
No one is perfect, and expecting perfection of yourself leads to a negative mindset. Anytime something doesn’t go perfectly, you might spiral and set yourself back. However, if you can let go of striving for perfection, you can reframe any situation. It’ll help you accept when things didn’t go as planned, allowing you to prepare for moving forward. When you think about what you can do better next time, you’ll experience less negativity.
Final Thoughts on How to Reframe a Negative Situation, According to Psychologists
You can reframe a negative situation and help yourself find happiness. When you reframe, you can focus on all the good in your life.
(Article by Sarah Barkley for Power of Positivity, August 2022)