Sunday, March 20, 2022

Jin Shin Jyutsu and Acupressure for Calming the Mind


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin is an ancient Japanese technique  for harmonizing a person’s bodily energy system. Like other ancient practices believing in a universal energy system (vedanta  - prana, Chinese philosophy - qi,  Kabbalah  - Ein Sof), it’s based on the belief that this vital life force energy travels through the body in delineated pathways (nadis in vedanta, meridians in Chinese medicine,  the Tree of Life in Kabbalah).

Jin Shin’s oldest text dates back to 712 CE; the practice doesn’t use any instruments, needles or other tools, only hands. This is a self-healing technique, so the healer is using their hands on themselves.

Lets start small, with methods for letting go of upsetting, disquieting feelings:

Hold your right thumb in the left hand and squeeze gently to let go or worry.

Hold the right index finger in the left hand and squeeze gently to let go of fear or panic

Hold the right middle finger in the left hand and squeeze gently to let go of frustration or anger

Hold the right ring finger in the left hand and squeeze gently to let go of sadness

Hold the right pinky in the left hand and squeeze gently to let go of nervousness

To finalize, press the left fingertips into the palm of the right hand.

Another Jin Shin technique for calming the nerves is to hold the last three fingers of one hand with the other hand, it doesn’t matter which hand. (You know how people wring their hands when feeling nervous? It’s similar.) Just cover the last three fingers of a hand with the other hand and hold them, gently squeezing. You can do that in a meeting etc.

Spirit Gate acupressure for calming the mind

Look at your right hand with its palm up and find the crease across the wrist under the base of the palm. Place your left thumb on this crease on the pinky side of the right hand, this is the Spirit Gate acupressure  point. Gently move the thumb in small circles over the acupressure point as you focus on the thumb. Repeat on the left hand. Feel a wave of calm washing over you.